
The Evils of Television!! Beware!!!

A couple of weeks ago Sara and I went on a little kick and watched several movies in a row. Have you ever noticed how you don't do something for a long time, and then all of a sudden you go on a tear and just do that thing a lot? We're that way with movies. We hadn't rented a movie in months, and just over the past few weeks we've rented several. Anyway, in watching all these movies I've realized two things. One, we (as in everyone) watch too many bad movies. And two, TV shows today are better than most of the movies coming out of Hollywood.

First, we waste our time on too many bad movies. TV, in and of itself, is a pretty big waste of time. I mean, really. You turn it on at night, just to watch while you're eating dinner or something (yeah, that's real good for families), and you end up watching about five different shows that you care absolutely nothing about.

It's the same with movies. I'm here to encourage you- if a movie isn't worth watching because its boring, stupid, obvious, not original, immoral, etc. then you have the power to turn it off. You don't have to finish it. One great example that we watched was The Davinci Code. I'm not going to ramble on about how idiotic the plotline and history in that movie is. Just trust me, historical fact is not the movie's forte. But I was willing to set aside those facts if the movie could entertain me. And how could it not? It has an excellent cast, a great director and an awesome setting. And yet, the movie was just too obvious. As soon as the bad guy comes on the scene, you know its the bad guy. Why? Because it is so cliche; you tell yourself: "This can't be the bad guy, it's too obvious." And yet they don't how obvious it is, and they do it anyway. And then there's the big plot twist at the end (gonna ruin it for you here, so sorry), the girl is the heir of Jesus. YEah, didn't see that one coming within the first five minutes.

I say all that to say- We should have turned the movie off after the opening scene. We wasted two and a half hours on something that wasn't worth it. Why didn't I just stop the madness? Because I'm a mindless droid? Well maybe. But at the same time, watching movies is, well, mindless and addicting. So my encouragement is this: if it is not a good movie, something creative and thoughtful, then turn it off and go do something creative and thoughtful. Free your mind! If you want convincing, I've got some books you can read- this one, and this one. Read those when you start a movie that is just plain dumb.

The second thing about movies is this. There are several TV shows out right now that just do it better. Do what, you ask? They tell stories better, and they build character development better. I know what you are thinking, that's because they have so much more time. True, but they do everything else basically as well as the movies do it. Special effects? Come on, have you watched Heroes yet? Great actors? 24 anyone? Great directors? A certain J.J. Abrams who directed Alias, and now directs the absolutely amazing Lost. Great producers? What's that guy's name? Oh yeah, something Bruckheimer.

And the one thing that sets them apart is that they tell the story better. There are several shows doing this now, including all the aforementioned ones. They tell grand stories, with amazing character development and wonderfully crafted plot twists. I realized this fact when watching Mission Impossible III. Granted, this is the Mission Impossible series. But you've got a top notch actor, Lawrence Fishburne, and a popular second rate actor, Tom Cruise (that's right, I said it), and a lot of pretty cool special effects. But you know what I came away from that movie thinking? Jack Bauer could have done it better. I've seen more interesting stuff in a series premiere for Alias.

So maybe what we should be doing is watching less TV, and being a little more choosy in what we watch. Don't watch junk (although some might say 'it's all junk' and to you I say- go read your Puritans and leave us alone). And practice a new skill- using the OFF button.

PS- in a pretty amusing turn of events (considering how little he and I post) Tim has posted today on The Davinci Code too. this is also funny because we watched the movie together. So go read it, now.

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