I've been informed several times recently that nobody wants to check here and see the same picture of Royce fishing in the smokies every time. So, before I get in too much trouble I've decided to do something about it. I won't do too much about it, but I'll change the picture at least. Unfortunately, although I had thought that I would have a lot of free time over the winter to read, blog and simply enjoy life, it is not to be. Next semester is looming before eyes even as the footsteps of the last can still be heard on the porch, and the one coming is a monster. So, think of me as I attempt to learn Greek in these cold months, and to read a few hundred pages here and write a few there. And when you think of me, please don't laugh...
like my daughter, who always laughs at me.

Except when she's the one being laughed at!

"and to read a few hundred pages here and write a few there"
Where exactly are you going to write a few pages? Certainly not at throwtheword.com!
I'm trying to [re]learn Greek over the winter, which will involve writing a few pages. ANd who knows? Maybe we'll see some things show up, I have great ideas...great ideas..
She is so cute! I can't wait to see her again. Hopefully soon!
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