Well, I appologize to all those who check this site for Ruth updates. We've been kept very busy lately with a family reunion, helping friends move, Bible studies, babysitting, transmission trouble on the truck, etc, etc, etc. Ruth, however, has been a constant reminder of God's grace to us! Just when we feel like it can't get much more busy or frustrating, she has a poopy diaper and breaks the tension for us. That girl always has a smile at the right time. I think it is good to have children while you're young if nothing else than to get you through the busy and tough times of growing up! Yes, for those of you who may not have realized it (ha, ha, ha), Kevin and I are still very inexperienced and naive! Each morning I may start with a plan for the day, but it is soon blown out of the water by the day's events. However, the most important thing (I'm starting to realize) is not whether I got the vacuuming done, or made a nice dinner for Kevin (though the latter is a real plus for everyone!), but is whether God was glorified in the midst of everything. Loving Him, and through that loving my husband and daughter are all that matters each day. So, each day that Ruth grows (cutting teeth! bigger diapers! new solid foods!), Kevin and I are growing as well. We just pray that Christ will be glorified through it all.
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