
Baby Pics for the Mob

What on earth is that on her head?!?! ...I'm so ashamed.

Yes, that is what Jasper thinks of everything that has been going on 'round here...and you tell me, does Shiloh care??

You ever have the feeling you're being watched.....?

rollin' with her homies!

excuse me, I'm in the middle of something right now.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see new pictures. We haven't used our tub yet. Did her cord fall off? Hannah still has hers. I keep thinking to call you but it is usually when I'm up in the middle of the night. I'll call soon! Hope all is well. She is a cutie!

Anonymous said...

Finally, some new pictures!! I like the towel!. Why don't they make grown up towels like that :) She's so sweet. Jenn

Anonymous said...

WE NEED NEW PICTURES!! Come on, I'm addicted to the pictures :)

kristen said...

it is way past update time here. :)