Ruth is settling in to her new toddler bed that we found on Craigslist (if you haven't checked it out yet, you should!). I wasn't going to push her to sleep in it the first night, but as soon as she saw it she moved all her stuffed animals into it, and laid down with her blanket, sucking her thumb. Needless to say, there was no problem on her part. It's kind of hard to not have her in the crib anymore, though. One, she can get out by herself now, and two, she is just not my little baby anymore (although she's still my precious little girl). Oh well; times are changing in the Morse household.
Sophie and I got a sling two weeks ago, and there's hardly a day that goes by that I don't use it several times. We absolutely love it. She was still not sure what she thought about it when we took the pictures. I think she's spoiled now, though, because she doesn't want to be put down!
We are moving to a new apartment next weekend, if you didn't know. Not what we had intended on having happen, but the Lord's plans are often much different than ours. We know He is Sovreign, and rejoice with hope that He is leading us to a new home, and new situations and relations with people. Pray for us! But expect the postings to slow down for a bit!